Frequently Asked Questions

General questions
1) Do you offer "one-shot" style tuning service?
Answer: Â Yes. We have the equipment to install maps on to most vehicles which will give more power and torque, and in many cases improved economy. Please email [email protected] for further info.
Questions about CP i-FLASH
1) What is CP -iFLASH?
Answer: Go to our CP i-FLASH page to find out.
2) Can CP i-FLASH overwrite a previously installed tune from another tuner?
Answer: We will provide an original stock tune you can overwrite the ECU with first, this way we can be sure the car is up to date and then you can write the tuned files.
3) If I own 2 cars, can I use CP i-FLASH on both with just 1 cable kit?
Answer: No, the cable locks to chassis number on first use.
4) What kind of computer is required in order to use CP i-FLASH?
Answer: Any portable computer with a Microsoft Windows operating system from XP to Windows 8 and 2 free USB ports. The CP i-FLASH software checks your computer's system status before the flashing process begins. It checks for minimum processor speed of 400MHz, minimum free memory of 200MB, minimum hard drive space of 400MB and if you're on AC power or have a minimum of 60 minutes battery power remaining.
5) Do I need to own a laptop computer?
Answer: No, you can borrow a laptop to flash your car.
6) Will the CP i-FLASH software install on an Mac laptop or a tablet?
Answer: At this point in time, Macs are not supported. The software will work on Windows tablets (not Windows RT).
7) Can the CP i-FLASH be used to return the car to the standard/stock map?
Answer: Yes, we include a file containing the stock map.